Soon we will all be walking to the booths again to pull a few levers to make a difference in our nation. Unfortunately, I think most feel as I do, we are too often in a position of choosing between the better of two evils rather than choosing the best man or woman for the job. With our locked-in-two-party system, what choice do we have? How about a way of telling them, "We have no confidence in the candidates you've provided," with a 'No Confidence Vote'?
Imagine this: You walk into the booth and among all the different candidates with (D)'s and (R)'s next to their names, you see *NO CONFIDENCE in a spot all of its own. You decide that you don't have much love for your own party these days (if you have one at all), but nothing about that party member tells you that they are a good choice, and the other is even worse... So you choose *NO CONFIDENCE. Later, when all the votes are tallied, if Mr. *NO CONFIDENCE is the winner, all the candidates in that running are disqualified and the process begins again... And thus you, in essence, said, "No. No good... Try again!"
There are potential problems with this approach and I am always willing to accept another approach, but we need some way of telling those who are supposed to be representing us, "Hey you! This isn't just a job, but a solemn responsibility to protect our rights and freedoms... You are NOT there to make money, increase your popularity, or to compete for the Lottery of the Oval office! So get with the program!!"
Where is Fawkes when we need him?